+ | West |
9 8 2 |
K Q J 7 4 |
A 5 |
7 6 5 |
+ | North |
K Q 10 7 4 |
9 6 |
J 10 9 8 |
J 4 |
| South |
A 5 |
5 3 2 |
7 2 |
K Q 10 9 3 2 |
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Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
Vulnerability: game all
HEX Jones 4810
For use by: Intermediate
Click on "q1" below to see question 1, and on "A1" to see the answer.
- Question
South, should you overcall RHO's 1NT opening? Of course, it will have to be a bid at the two level.
(Beware If your partner uses "Landy", you can't bid 2 clubs. Help!)
- Question
South, should you overcall RHO's 1NT opening? Of course, it will have to be a bid at the two level.
(Beware If your partner uses "Landy", you can't bid 2 clubs. Help!)
Yes, overcall with 2 clubs.
This will totally disrupt their 1NT response bidding system. How will they now get to 4H or 3NT, and their wonderful 620 points of prize money?
And if they double your 2 Clubs, you'll probably only go one down for 200 penalty points.
(But if your partner does use Landy, you'd have to overcall with 3 clubs. Maybe that's a disadvantage of Landy, which in any case doesn't crop up that much).
- Question
Is there any way that West can re-instate the bidding system responses to 1NT (Stayman and Transfer) that your overcall has so wickedly wrecked?
- Question
Is there any way that West can re-instate the bidding system responses to 1NT (Stayman and Transfer) that your overcall has so wickedly wrecked?
Yes, but the good thing is that not many partnerships know it and use it.
It's called Lebensohl (see page 111), but it's a little bit too complicated for many partnerships to learn reliably!
Other people's bidding
To examine how other people might have bid, look inside box #1 in the right-hand column (>>>), by clicking on the pink "+ button".
The card play
To see a suggested Opening Lead, look inside box #3 on the right (>>>).
Then make a plan! Think for a bit about how you'd play this contract.
Planning questions
If box #4 is there for this deal (>>>), see how others might have planned the play...