+ | West |
J |
A 6 4 2 |
K 6 |
10 9 8 6 5 3 |
| East |
10 5 3 |
K 7 |
Q J 10 9 5 2 |
A 2 |
+ | South |
Q 9 8 6 4 |
J 8 |
8 7 4 |
K Q J |
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Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
Vulnerability: game all
HEX Jones 4813
For use by: Intermediate
Click on "q1" below to see question 1, and on "A1" to see the answer.
- Question
East, with your 6-card suit and 10 points, are you going to overcall in 2 diamonds, or a weak jump overcall in 3?
- Question
East, with your 6-card suit and 10 points, are you going to overcall in 2 diamonds, or a weak jump overcall in 3?
If the enemy had opened clubs instead of Hearts, then you could have bid a weak jump overcall: 2 diamonds. It would have perfectly described your hand and its 6-card diamond suit. But a weak jump overcall over 1 Heart requires a bid of 3 diamonds, and that needs 7-cards.
Bid 2 diamonds, without any jump, promising 5+ cards.
- Question
Have a peek at North's hand. Do you agree with his bid of 4S?
- Question
Have a peek at North's hand. Do you agree with his bid of 4S?
Given that his partner had promised a 5-card Spade suit, with 9+ HCPs, making a minimum total of 24 including shape, plus a 9-card trump fit, then yes, it seems worth a punt.
From a losing trick count perspective, again North is stronger than than his opening bid had promised.
North is not to know that his South partner's LTC is weaker than the 8 his bid implied, in this case forced upon him by East's overcall of 2 diamonds.
If East had not overcalled, then South could have bid 1 Spade, so that North would have bid 3 Spades in response to a hand only promising 6 HCP. South would then have passed, in view of his wasted strength in clubs, pinpointed by an LTC of only 9.
A usefully disruptive overcall, usually causing North-South to go one down...
- Question
Did South have any alternative to bidding 2 Spades, just after East's annoying 2 diamond overcall?
- Question
Did South have any alternative to bidding 2 Spades, just after East's annoying 2 dimaond overcall?
Yes. Given his poor losing trick count, a negative double could have been used to tell his partner that a natural bid was stolen by the enemy overcall!
That would have told his partner that South has 4+ Spades (the highest ranking unbid suit), and that South didn't bid then himself at the two level either because he only had 4 or them, or (as is marginally the case here) because he lacked the strength to change suit at the two level.
Other people's bidding
To examine how other people might have bid, look inside box #1 in the right-hand column (>>>), by clicking on the pink "+ button".
The card play
To see a suggested Opening Lead, look inside box #3 on the right (>>>).
Then make a plan! Think for a bit about how you'd play this contract.
Planning questions
If box #4 is there for this deal (>>>), see how others might have planned the play...