
This deal was voted hand of the year by the International Bridge Press Association. It involves a type of play previously unknown to anyone except Geza Ottlik and Hugh Kelsey, whose Adventures in Card Play is the most complex bridge book ever written. The star was Norway's Geir Helgemo, who sat South at game all.

Example Deal

How others might've



#1+<-- click the + to show/hide one possible Bidding Sequence
- - - ???

#2+<-- click the + for explanation of relevant Bidding Techniques

#3+<-- click the + for ideas on the Opening Lead

«  #126003  »
spade K J 10 6 5
heart A
diamond K 7
club A 6 5 4 3

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Click the + buttons to peep

Click the + buttons to peep

Click the + buttons to peep
Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
You: South

Dealer: South
Vulnerability: game all

Source: The Guardian 20111228
For use by: World Class

Other people's bidding

To examine how other people might have bid, look inside box #1 in the right-hand column (>>>), by clicking on the pink "+ button".

The card play

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Then make a plan! Think for a bit about how you'd play this contract.

Planning questions

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