+ | West |
10 9 6 |
K 6 5 2 |
8 5 4 |
K 8 7 |
| East |
Q J 4 3 |
A 7 |
A K 6 2 |
A J 10 |
+ | South |
K 8 5 |
J 9 8 4 3 |
6 5 4 3 2 |
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Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
Vulnerability: none
Peng YongJi 35
For use by: Improving
Click on "q1" below to see question 1, and on "A1" to see the answer.
- Question
Your right hand opponent in the North seat opened 1D. Can you in the East seat overcall without a 5-card suit ?
- Question
Your right hand opponent in the North seat opened 1D. Can you in the East seat overcall without a 5-card suit ?
Yes, if you have 15+ HCP, a balanced hand, AND if you have a good stop in RHO's suit. In which case bid 1NT.
- Question
Have a look at partner's hand, West. West only has 6HCP. But surely he needs more than this to bid at the 2-level in response to your 1NT overcall? Should he pass or bid ?
- Question
Have a look at partner's hand, West. West only has 6HCP. But surely he needs more than this to bid at the 2-level in response to your 1NT overcall? Should he pass or bid ?
West knows that East has at least 16HCP, since his 1NT bid was an overcall, not a weak NT. So, with 22HCP assured, a 2 Heart bid looks safe and informative.
- Question
Can East now raise it to game ?
- Question
Can East now raise it to game ?
Yes. West must have 6+HCP, and should have assumed 16+ HCP at East. So, 25HCP are assured, and all 4 suits are covered. Worth a punt at a NT game. Bid 3NT.
Other people's bidding
To examine how other people might have bid, look inside box #1 in the right-hand column (>>>), by clicking on the pink "+ button".
The card play
To see a suggested Opening Lead, look inside box #3 on the right (>>>).
Then make a plan! Think for a bit about how you'd play this contract.
Planning questions
If box #4 is there for this deal (>>>), see how others might have planned the play...