The Munchhausen Deal

How good are you at Opening Leads?

Baron Munchausen claims to have held the South hand and heard his right-hand opponent open seven spades.

Example Deal

How others might've



#1+<-- click the + to show/hide one possible Bidding Sequence
- - 7S ???

#3+<-- click the + for ideas on the Opening Lead

#4+OK, What's Your Plan for trying to make the contract ?

Only after you've thought about your plan for a short (but important) while, click the + to show/hide Card Play questions.

«  #126035  »
spade 2
heart A K Q 3
diamond A K Q 4 2
club K Q 2

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Click the + buttons to peep

Click the + buttons to peep

Click the + buttons to peep
Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
You: South

Dealer: East
Vulnerability: none

Source: A. Truscott 45
For use by: World Class

Other people's bidding

To examine how other people might have bid, look inside box #1 in the right-hand column (>>>), by clicking on the pink "+ button".

The card play

To see a suggested Opening Lead, look inside box #3 on the right (>>>).

Then make a plan! Think for a bit about how you'd play this contract.

Planning questions

If box #4 is there for this deal (>>>), see how others might have planned the play...

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