Opening bid of a Grand Slam

These cards were shuffled and dealt in a London bridge club in 1983, playing for money, at £3 per 100.

Not from a goulash with 13 cards in one suit, but from a real deal.

(£3 in 1983? That's quite big dosh per 100, enough to pay for a full tank of petrol, or 12 pints in the pub. Let's hope we don't go down 500).

The great player Jeremy Flint was playing South. The stakes on this single deal would have kept your car in fuel for a year.

Example Deal

How others might've



#1+<-- click the + to show/hide one possible Bidding Sequence
- - p 7C
p p X ???

#3+<-- click the + for ideas on the Opening Lead

#4+OK, What's Your Plan for trying to make the contract ?

Only after you've thought about your plan for a short (but important) while, click the + to show/hide Card Play questions.

«  #126037  »
spade J 3 2
heart 4 3 2
diamond A K J 3 2
club 3 2

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Click the + buttons to peep

Click the + buttons to peep

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Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
You: West

Dealer: East
Vulnerability: N-S

Source: MA Jones 18219
For use by: World Class
7club XX

Other people's bidding

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The card play

To see a suggested Opening Lead, look inside box #3 on the right (>>>).

Then make a plan! Think for a bit about how you'd play this contract.

Planning questions

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