| West |
Q 6 3 2 |
8 7 6 5 4 |
5 3 |
10 9 |
+ | East |
A K 8 7 |
3 2 |
A K 9 2 |
K 4 3 |
+ | South |
10 9 5 |
J |
J 10 7 6 4 |
J 8 7 6 |
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Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
Vulnerability: none
Peng YongJi 1010050
For use by: Intermediate
Click on "q1" below to see question 1, and on "A1" to see the answer.
- Question
You are West in this auction. After partner (East) doubles the enemy's (North's) opening bid of 1H, should you pass or raise with only 2 points?
- Question
You are West in this auction. After partner (East) doubles the enemy's (North's) opening bid of 1H, should you pass or raise with only 2 points?
Since the enemy (South) did not bid in response to the opener, you MUST bid (UNLESS you are very strong in the enemy suit, which you are not!). Partner does NOT mean a penalty double, she's asking you which is your best suit - apart from the enemy suit, and clearly that's Spades, your longest, in this case 4-card.
- Question
After your first bid (1S), the enemy (North) bids again (2C) in spite of no support from his partner. Your partner East now bids the enemy's first suit (Hearts)!!! What does she mean by that?
- Question
After your first bid (1S), the enemy (North) bids again (2C) in spite of no support from his partner. Your partner East now bids the enemy's first suit (Hearts)!!! What does she mean by that?
With this unassuming cue bid of the enemy suit, she means she's stronger than her first takeout double bid implied, and she wants you to keep describing your hand.
- Question
So what should you bid next?
- Question
So what should you bid next?
Rebid your Spades, at a low level to reinforce the fact that you are weak, with only 2 points.
Even though you've only got 4 of them, you've got no other suit, and your Hearts are nowhere near good enough to pass the cue bid and convert into a competitive bid.
Other people's bidding
To examine how other people might have bid, look inside box #1 in the right-hand column (>>>), by clicking on the pink "+ button".
The card play
To see a suggested Opening Lead, look inside box #3 on the right (>>>).
Then make a plan! Think for a bit about how you'd play this contract.
Planning questions
If box #4 is there for this deal (>>>), see how others might have planned the play...