+ | West |
10 9 8 6 4 2 |
8 7 3 |
J 3 |
8 4 |
+ | East |
A K Q J 7 5 |
10 4 2 |
6 5 2 |
5 |
| South |
A J |
K Q 9 8 |
A K Q J 10 7 3 |
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Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
Vulnerability: none
Click on "q1" below to see question 1, and on "A1" to see the answer.
- Question
With 20 points and a void, game must surely be certain. But how to start talking after a pre-emptive 2-Spade weak opening from your RHO? All the super-strong 2 opening minors have been eclipsed. 2NT? 3 clubs, 4 clubs, 5 clubs, 6 clubs, double for take out ?
- Question
With 20 points and a void, game must surely be certain. But how to start talking after a pre-emptive 2-Spade weak opening from your RHO? All the super-strong 2 opening minors have been eclipsed. 2NT? 3 clubs, 4 clubs, 5 clubs, 6 clubs, double for take out ?
3 Spades. Cue bids always show strength, and this one is in effect a 'game force'. All the others are either too weak, (double, 3 clubs, 4 clubs), or prevent your partner from talking (5 clubs , 6 clubs.
- Question
When the LHO advances with 4S, what can it mean? That partner has no points at all, and they are going for game on a big fit? Or is it simply a bid to the limit of the fit, possibly on no points?
- Question
When the LHO advances with 4S, what can it mean? That partner has no points at all, and they are going for game on a big fit? Or is it simply a bid to the limit of the fit, possibly on no points?
Can't tell. Partner will hopefully tell us, by passing if he has nothing, or bidding further if he has a couple of tricks. After all, he knows from our bid that we have 9 or 10 tricks in out hand.
- Question
After partner bids 5 Hearts, what next? We've had no chance to talk key-cards or shape. Pass, or slam in Hearts or clubs?
- Question
After partner bids 5 Hearts, what next? We've had no chance to talk key-cards or shape. Pass, or slam in Hearts or clubs?
Partner's bid in our short suit promotes the unprotected Jack. Time for a slam in the suit that's certain to be the longest, clubs, and hope partner's support means he has either the King of Hearts or the Ace of diamonds.
Other people's bidding
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The card play
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Planning questions
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