level 5

126004, Give away the lead
126005, Throw in left or right?
126006, Strip to a finesse
126007, Marked by the opening lead
126008, Can you force West to lead the suit, not East?
126009, Endplay throw-in
126025, Overcall with a very strong hand
126039, 'Force a game' overcall after a weak 2?
126040, Doubled! Great
126050, Strong advancer sits opposite pre-emt overcaller
126074, Very strong overcall
126256, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126257, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126258, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126259, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126260, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126261, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126262, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126263, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126278, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126279, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126282, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126284, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126287, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?
126288, What kind of signal to send to dear partner?

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